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Friday, December 28, 2018

IF you should live 3000 years, or as many as 10,000, yet remember this, that man can part with no life properly save with that little part of life which he now lives: and that which he lives is no other than that which at every instant he parts with. That life then which is longest of duration, and that which is shortest, come both to one effect. For although in regard to the life which is already past there may be some inequality, yet that time which is now present and in being is equal for all men. And that being the only time which we part with when we die, it manifestly appears that it can be but a moment of time that we then part with. For as for that which is either past or to come, a man cannot be said properly to part with it. For how should a man part with that which he does not have?


Today's reading from our Words blog was for December 28th and spoke to something that I have been wrestling with over the past year or more.  The death of my niece, Rachel, at 34 and the death of my niece, Kyra, at 25, greatly impacted me.  The holiday season just serves to be a constant reminder of those who are no longer walking with us in this life.  The short lifespan of these two lovely nieces, one due to complications from recurrent lung issues, and one through a battle with recurring depression, seemed to illustrate the fleeting nature and leave me with a sense of unfairness at the brevity of their life times.

Today's reading, quoted above, hit me with a realization that if, as Stoics, we live in the present moment, the now, we are all given the same amount of time to live.  If we let go of living in the past and living in the future but truly embrace the moment of time that is now, we all have the same moment to live fully.  Instead of living with regret, or living in a constant feverish sense of hope for the future, but live deeply in the now, we are truly and fully living.

Now is enough. Now is full of love, wonder and light and needs to be fully embraced and explored in all of its depths. Now if full of memory, promise and also wonder.